Marco Polo by Gryphon

2023-05-03 17:24:51
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Introducing Marco Polo: a unique AAA boutique strata-office and residential development located in Vancouver West’s Oakridge District. Inspired by the cross-cultural connections that have made Vancouver the gateway to Asia, Marco Polo delivers unmatched amenities and a premium lifestyle experience to the workplace. Designed to foster collaboration and creativity, this next-generation AAA strata office ownership opportunity by Gryphon delivers unmatched amenities and a premium lifestyle experience to its occupants. From the stunning central atrium that draws people together to the ultimate collection of health and lifestyle amenities, Marco Polo offers a new way to work, innovate, and create.

With more than three decades of award-winning design and development experience, in both Taiwan and Vancouver, Gryphon has the knowledge and expertise to continually set new standards for premium luxury residences and sophisticated office environments.

We bring a high level of excellence to our video production services, offering a global reach and a commitment to high-quality content. Contact us today to showcase your brand, product, or project with compelling video content that can reach audiences worldwide.

Marco Polo:一個位於溫哥華西區 Oakridge的獨特AAA級混合式精品建築。Marco Polo採用創新的東西方結合概念,閣睿集團讓東西方文化跨界交織,創造出一個真正國際化的工作社區。項目設計旨在促進合作和創造力,由閣睿集團提供的新世代AAA級混合式精品建築為其使用者提供無與倫比的設施和高端生活體驗。從令人驚嘆的音樂中庭配上私人厨房,到極致的健康和生活設施,Marco Polo為工作、創新與創作提供了一種全新的可能性。
